Thursday, 29 January 2015

Touring Fesival

Im ill at the moment, it started out with a feeling tired, turned into a cough then cracking chest sore throat ears etc..  yep Man Flu, more deadly than Ebola.  According to the doctor I made the classic mistake of thinking I could work through it and sapped my bodys vital fighting it off reserves which made me much worse, I guess I am just not as young as I used to be.

The doc has ordered me home and put me on antibiotics etc..  I have suplemented that with ibruprofen and otravine (a miracle medicine).  So having slept most of the day I am now wide awake having read through some wireless survey reports for work and various other work related stuff my mind wondered over to cycling and I began looking at some touring blogs, I had a quick look at the following blog:

Tom's Bike Trip

What caught my eye was an advert for a cycle touring festival on the may Bank Holiday from the 1st to the 3rd.  Check out the wordpress sight here:

Cycle Touring Festival

It is a weekend focussed on those interested in cycle touring with advice on bikes, speakers etc.. even an open mic.. 

I am going to visit as it is aparently the first such touring focussed event, anyhow it's an excuse for a cycle and a camp so im up for it.  All I have to do now is coerce one of my unwilling (dupes/friends/victims) tick most applicable, into going with me so I won't be Billy no mates..

Now I have a cunning plan to ride the 130 miles there which fully laden is doable, but I don't know what kind of state I will be in when I get there.   So.... I am thinking of either setting off on the Thursday night from my house cycling till I fancy sleeping, and completing the remaining the next day, or...  catch a train on friday morning to Stoke on Trent or Congleton and then do a much more manageable 80 miles..  I am undecided... then I can spend the Friday night/Sat & either cycle or catch the train home sunday?

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