Wednesday, 12 August 2015

12th August - Ballycastle to Campbeltown

I am now officially in Ireland, better late than never (I will write more as time permits)
At the ferry

A lovely couple, Jehova's witnesses
they chatted with me whilst I was waiting for my ferry!

The lifeboat stationed here

my beard is coming on

All aboard the kintyre express

Heading out to sea

Basalt Rock Plumes aproaching Ballycastle - the same
geology that fomred the giants causway

an old friary just outside Ballycastle

look at the height of the doorways

This little girl kept trying to climb up to the birds!!

This bird had no fear at all, and would eat from peoples hands


  1. Think we are missing a few days, last post was arriving in Fort William.

  2. Hi Dave,
    depending on time etc.. is when I get a chance to put posts up I have filled in some more photos and I have a fair few more to go in. Unfortunately I have had to return to work but I will do this trip again from scratch.
